Find out more about routes around Torrechiara Castle
Large double room with a double bed and additional bed.
Twin bedroom with separate beds.
Twin bedroom with separate beds.
Torrechiara Castle is a wonderful fifteenth-century fortification, with features typical of both medieval and renaissance architecture. La Locanda del Borgo at Torrechiara is situated within the walls, just a stone’s throw from the castle itself.
Parma lies at the heart of an area which has been handing down the secrets of its world-renowned food and wine for centuries. It is the undisputed capital of the Food Valley.
Find out about all the summer 2024 events at Bottega del Borgo. From the Borgo in Jazz festival to Tastings with Murder. Download the poster with the dates of the events. Every Thursday the Borgo in Jazz festival. The first Borgo in Jazz event on Thursday, June 13, and the first Murder Tasting on Thursday, June 20! Don’t miss it, for unforgettable evenings in the beautiful setting of the village of Torrechiara
La Locanda del Borgo in Torrechiara has now reopened after a complete restyling. Thanks to the support of Ebike Tour, the renovations have been completed and we are now ready to welcome you…
A video shot by Parma Incoming showing the charming city of Parma, images of the works of art and locations that have made this town a jewel in the region of Emilia
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Torrechiara - Langhirano (PR)
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